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Data Type Jasmine

I'm a beginner in angular test with jasmine and i need to test data type(e.g. String, int, etc.)

This is my controller, my data is instantiated to null and later it will be a string :

_this.instance = {
      template_fields: {
        guid: null

// It becomes string
<input type="radio" ng-model="prCreateCtrl.instance.template_fields.guid" value="{{template.guid}}" required>

This is my test :

beforeEach(inject(function ($state, $controller, $rootScope, $q) {
    state = $state.get('app.provision');
    ctrl = $controller('ProvisionCreateCtrl', {
      instance: {
        template_fields: {
          guid : {}

it('should resolve data', function () {
  expect(ctrl.instance.template_fields.guid instanceof String).toBeTruthy();

I don't understand when should I give a String and how can I test it. Is using instanceof String the right way ?


  • You can simply use jasmine.any() function.

    In your case, inside it() block:
