I need some advices, I want to build the database system like this using SymmetricDS.
The Orange Box is a PC that sync 1 API Database and 1 APP Database.
The Grey Box is multiple-PC that sync each API Database.
The idea is I want to make the system can handle multiple APP, so I need create API Database that synced with other API Database. And also I need create APP Database that synced with local API Database independently (using transformation table and column). So there is 2 SymmetricDS instances, 1 between each API System, and 1 between APP and API System.
Is that good to make separate 2 SymmetricDS instances? Or just 1 for all? Or is there other recommendation design?
Thank you.
one symmetricds instance can sync multiple databases. so, one instance per location. i.e., one symmetricds in the central hub, and one per local