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Docker - What is proper way to rebuild and push updated image to docker cloud?

What I'm currently doing:


FROM python:3.5.1


RUN mkdir /www
ADD deps.txt /www/
RUN pip3 install -r deps.txt
ADD . /www/
RUN chmod 0755 /www/

Build command:

docker build -t my-djnago-app:latest .


docker tag my-djnago-app:latest lolorama/my-djnago-app-img:latest


docker push lolorama/my-djnago-app-img:latest

After following these steps, the repository image still hasn't updated. I keep getting this message - "Layer already exists".

The push refers to a repository []
fd5aa641b308: Layer already exists
d9c60c6f98e8: Layer already exists
d9d14867f6d7: Layer already exists
64ce166099ca: Layer already exists
73b670e35c69: Layer already exists
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
9ea142d097a5: Layer already exists
52f5845b1de0: Layer already exists
e7fadb3ab9d4: Layer already exists
cef72744de05: Layer already exists
591569fa6c34: Layer already exists
998608e2fcd4: Layer already exists
c12ecfd4861d: Layer already exists

What am I doing wrong?


  • I found the problem, thanks to @lorenzvth7!

    I've had two images with same tag (which i was pushing to cloud).

    Solution is:

    1. Inspect your images and find two or more with the same tag:

      docker images 
    2. Delete them:

      docker rmi --force 'image id'
    3. Thats it! Follow steps from my question above.