I'm setting up uncss-brunch with Travis on a test project. brunch build
works well locally, but when I push changes, the build on Travis fails. The error line reads:
18 Apr 22:38:59 - error: UnCSS: Configuration missed.
Any ideas on what may be wrong, or how may I debug this? I've found that the error message is from the uncss-brunch project itself.
The reason it was working locally is because optimizers normally aren't run in development mode. On Travis, however, you are running npm run dist
with runs brunch build -p
— a build in production env.
If you were to run brunch build -p
locally, it would give the same result as on Travis.
Now, the actual reason for that happening seems to be that you are missing a configuration for UnCSS.
If you take a closer look at the file you've linked, you'll see that the error is printed because this.options
is null
. And this.options
is set from config.plugins.uncss
— which is seemingly missing from your brunch-config
— https://github.com/arturocastro/quacknote/blob/master/brunch-config.js
Check out UnCSS's readme on how to configure it.