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git bz error: 'bz' is not specified command

I have the installation of git bz as specified :

 cd ~
 git clone git://
 cp ~/git-bz/git-bz ~/.local/bin/

After committing the given patch, when I try to attach the given patch to the given bug for bugzilla. It shows the following error

git: 'bz' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Any suggestion on this.


  • The directory where git-bz is should be either in your $PATH or in Git's exec-path. I suggest the later. You can put it in the right place using:

    cp ~/git-bz/git-bz $(git --exec-path)/

    (You may need to be root to run this, hence use sudo or su)

    If you prefer putting it in your path, as noted by @Schwern, you can view the list of directories with echo $PATH. To add a directory to your $PATH, please read