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Adding dots to bottom of UIPageViewController screen

I have implemented the data source methods of UIPageViewController and still not getting dots at bottom of my iOS app. Anybody have any solution to make dots appear on my app?


  • When you use UIPageViewController the dots should be visible by default. I guess you have a white background and the dots are also white, so you just don't see them.

    Try to change dots color:

    Swift 4/5:

    var appearance = UIPageControl.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: [UIPageViewController.self])
    appearance.pageIndicatorTintColor =
    appearance.currentPageIndicatorTintColor =

    Swift 3:

    var appearance = UIPageControl.appearanceWhenContainedIn(UIPageViewController.self, nil)
    appearance.pageIndicatorTintColor =
    appearance.currentPageIndicatorTintColor =

    If it doesn't help, make sure that you are using UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll transition style.

    Also, make sure to implement this methods from the UIPageViewControllerDataSource: presentationCount(for:) and presentationIndex(for:).