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How can i show Stack Bar chart and line chart both in one chart?

I want to display information as year wise .So I will use Stacked bar chart.But I also want to display line chart for some other information on the same graph. So How can i achieve this ?

For Example, I have below information.

Item Name|Year 2010 2011 2012 2013

Wheat 100 90 200 260

Rice 80 70 150 190

Total Production 180 160 350 450

Total Production should be 200 250 400 550.

So, For displaying production year wise,I will use stacked bar chart. But I want to display Total production and Total Production should be as line chart.

So how can i achieve this ?enter image description here


  • I have used Multi Axis chart and it is perfectly suit my needs.Muti-Axis chart provides a way to add more than one charts into one-chart.And we can Customize all added chart by applying customizer class.