I'm trying to restyle a google custom search page and having...mixed results. The thing that's bothering me the most is the hover border. From where does it come and how can I get rid of it?
Picture below. See? that 1px black line.
Edit: I meant to include the following, somehow didn't:
Here's a link to the public url for a similar google search engine. The lines are in full effect there. Just enter a search term.
The element that appears to have the hoverborder also has a mess of inline javascript.
<td onclick="if (this.className == 'gsc-table-cell-snippet-close gsc-collapsable') { this.className = 'gsc-table-cell-snippet-open gsc-collapsable'; } else if (this.className == 'gsc-table-cell-snippet-open gsc-collapsable') { this.className = 'gsc-table-cell-snippet-close gsc-collapsable'; };" class="gsc-table-cell-snippet-close">
So, anyone?
P.S. Plan B here is go with a different google search theme (they don't all have the hoverborder) but we already have the current theme looking just the way we want and customizing google search isn't fun, so we'd really prefer to stick with what we have.
That URL was what I needed. You should be able to override their style with the following:
.gsc-webResult.gsc-result:hover {
border-left: 1px solid white;