I'm using Python, and this is a Spark RDD / DataFrame.
I tried isinstance(thing, RDD)
but RDD
wasn't recognized.
The reason I need to do this:
I'm writing a function where both RDD
and DataFrame
could be passed in, so I'll need to do input.rdd
to get the underlying RDD if a DataFrame is passed in.
will work just fine:
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.rdd import RDD
def foo(x):
if isinstance(x, RDD):
return "RDD"
if isinstance(x, DataFrame):
return "DataFrame"
## 'RDD'
foo(sc.parallelize([("foo", 1)]).toDF())
## 'DataFrame'
but single dispatch is much more elegant approach:
from functools import singledispatch
def bar(x):
def _(arg):
return "RDD"
def _(arg):
return "DataFrame"
## 'RDD'
bar(sc.parallelize([("foo", 1)]).toDF())
## 'DataFrame'
If you don't mind additional dependencies multipledispatch
is also an interesting option:
from multipledispatch import dispatch
def baz(x):
return "RDD"
def baz(x):
return "DataFrame"
## 'RDD'
baz(sc.parallelize([("foo", 1)]).toDF())
## 'DataFrame'
Finally the most Pythonic approach is to simply check an interface:
def foobar(x):
if hasattr(x, "rdd"):
## It is a DataFrame
## It (probably) is a RDD