Search code examples

How to extract rows in sframe where there's a joint condition and two separate conditions?

I have an sframe as such:

| term_id | lang |            term_str           | term_type | reliability_code |
| IATE-14 |  ro  |    Agenție de aprovizionare   |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  bg  | компетенции на държави чле... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  cs  | příslušnost členských stát... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  da  |     medlemsstatskompetence    |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  de  | Zuständigkeit der Mitglied... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  el  | αρμοδιότητα των κρατών μελ... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  en  | competence of the Member S... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  es  | competencias de los Estado... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  et  |     liikmesriikide pädevus    |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  fi  |   jäsenvaltioiden toimivalta  |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  fr  |  compétence des États membres |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  ga  |    inniúlacht na mBallstát    |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  hu  |       tagállami hatáskör      |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  it  | competenza degli Stati membri |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  lt  |  valstybių narių kompetencija |  fullForm |        2         |
| IATE-84 |  lv  |     dalībvalstu kompetence    |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  nl  |  bevoegdheid van de lidstaten |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  pl  | kompetencje państw członko... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  pt  | competência dos Estados-Me... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-84 |  ro  | competența statelor membre... |  fullForm |        3         |

I need to extract all the rows where lang == 'de' or lang == 'en' but the rows I extract with lang == 'en' needs to have a corresponding lang == 'de' such that they share the same term_id.

I have been doing it as such with graphlab and sframe:

sf = gl.SFrame.read_csv('iate.csv', delimiter='\t', quote_char='\0', column_type_hints=[str,str,unicode,str,int])
de = sf[sf['lang'] == 'de']
de_termids = de['term_id']

and de.print_rows(10):

|  term_id   | lang |            term_str           | term_type | reliability_code |
|  IATE-84   |  de  | Zuständigkeit der Mitglied... |  fullForm |        3         |
|  IATE-290  |  de  | Schutz der öffentlichen Ge... |  fullForm |        3         |
|  IATE-662  |  de  | mengenmäßigen Ausfuhrbesch... |  fullForm |        3         |
|  IATE-801  |  de  |     Eintragungshindernisse    |  fullForm |        2         |
| IATE-1326  |  de  | Sonderregelung für Reisebü... |  fullForm |        4         |
| IATE-1702  |  de  |          Erwerbslose          |  fullForm |        4         |
| IATE-2818  |  de  |    Verwaltungsvorschriften    |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-21139 |  de  |    frisches Obst und Gemüse   |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-21563 |  de  | chemische Erzeugnisse zur ... |  fullForm |        3         |
| IATE-21564 |  de  |         Mineralsäuren         |  fullForm |        3         |

And then:

en = sf[sf['lang'] == 'en']


|  term_id   | lang |            term_str           |  term_type   | reliability_code |
|  IATE-84   |  en  | competence of the Member S... |   fullForm   |        3         |
|  IATE-254  |  en  | award of public works cont... |   fullForm   |        3         |
|  IATE-290  |  en  |    public health protection   |   fullForm   |        3         |
|  IATE-662  |  en  | quantitative restriction o... |   fullForm   |        3         |
|  IATE-801  |  en  |      grounds for refusal      |   fullForm   |        2         |
| IATE-1299  |  en  |              CEP              | abbreviation |        3         |
| IATE-1326  |  en  | special scheme for travel ... |   fullForm   |        3         |
| IATE-2818  |  en  |          regulations          |   fullForm   |        3         |
| IATE-7128  |  en  |          company name         |   fullForm   |        2         |
| IATE-21139 |  en  |  fresh fruits and vegetables  |   fullForm   |        3         |

I have tried:

en_de = en[en['term_id'] in de_termids]

But I'm getting the syntax wrong, giving me this error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-9656091794b8> in <module>()
      1 en = sf[sf['lang'] == 'en']
----> 2 en_de = en[en['term_id'] in de_termids]

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphlab/data_structures/sarray.pyc in __contains__(self, item)
    692         """
--> 693         return (self == item).any()
    695     def contains(self, item):

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphlab/data_structures/sarray.pyc in __eq__(self, other)
    973                 return SArray(_proxy = self.__proxy__.vector_operator(other.__proxy__, '=='))
    974             else:
--> 975                 return SArray(_proxy = self.__proxy__.left_scalar_operator(other, '=='))

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphlab/cython/context.pyc in __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
     47             if not self.show_cython_trace:
     48                 # To hide cython trace, we re-raise from here
---> 49                 raise exc_type(exc_value)
     50             else:
     51                 # To show the full trace, we do nothing and let exception propagate

RuntimeError: Runtime Exception. Array size mismatch

How should I filter the sframe such that I get rows with en and de and corresponding term_id?

The resulting dataframe should look something like this:

| term_id |     term_str_en | term_str_de | 
| IATE-999 |    something    |  etwas      |

How do I do the same with pandas?


  • Suppose you already have two data frames with filtered data for both languages: df_en and df_de. Then you can merge them:

    new_df = pd.merge(df_en[['term_id','term_str']], df_de[['term_id','term_str']], how = 'inner', on ='term_id', suffixes = ('_en', '_de'))

    The method inner takes care of skipping all unmatched rows. You can find more options to merge in pandas docs and refs


    The same result without creating two data frames (df is the original data frame with all entries, possibly containing other languages too):

    new_df = pd.merge(df.loc[df['lang']=='en',['term_id','term_str']], df.loc[df['lang']=='de',['term_id','term_str']], how = 'inner', on ='term_id', suffixes = ('_en', '_de'))