I'm trying to get my project buildable with automake. Specifically while using Allegro5.
I can build my code using the following command just fine
g++ -std=c++0x *.cpp -o mygame $(pkg-config --libs allegro-5.0 \
allegro_acodec-5.0 allegro_audio-5.0 allegro_color-5.0 allegro_dialog-5.0 \
allegro_font-5.0 allegro_image-5.0 allegro_main-5.0 allegro_memfile-5.0 \
allegro_physfs-5.0 allegro_primitives-5.0 allegro_ttf-5.0)
But my Makefile will not work.
Here is my src/Makefile.am
bin_PROGRAMS = mygame
AM_CXXFLAGS = "-std=c++0x"
mygame_SOURCES = Animation.cpp Body.cpp GameObject.cpp Menu.cpp Vector3.cpp \
Arena.cpp Button.cpp Keyboard.cpp Mesh.cpp Assets.cpp Character.cpp \
main.cpp Mouse.cpp Barrier.cpp Environment.cpp Manager.cpp TitleMenu.cpp
mygame_LDADD = allegro-5.0 allegro_acodec-5.0 allegro_audio-5.0 \
allegro_color-5.0 allegro_dialog-5.0 allegro_font-5.0 allegro_image-5.0 \
allegro_main-5.0 allegro_memfile-5.0 allegro_physfs-5.0 \
allegro_primitives-5.0 allegro_ttf-5.0
CLEANFILES = mygame *.o
And here is my configure.ac
AC_INIT(bayou, 0.1.0)
Makefile \
Running my first command works just fine. Running make gives me
make: *** No rule to make target `allegro-5.0', needed by 'mygame'. Stop.
So how should I set up my configure.ac and Makefile.am's so I can use libraries I normally link with pkg-config?
My lead in the suggestion worked. I did not have to modify my configure.ac (though I probably should so I can verify expected packages are installed)
Anyway, I ran pkg-config <insert libs from comment here>
in a terminal window, which gave the following output
-L/usr/local/lib -lallegro_acodec -lallegro_audio -lallegro_color
-lallegro_dialog -lallegro_image -lallegro_main -lallegro_memfile
-lallegro_physfs -lallegro_primitives -lallegro_ttf -lallegro_font
So my new Makefile.am looks like
bin_PROGRAMS = mygame
AM_CXXFLAGS = "-std=c++0x"
mygame_SOURCES = Animation.cpp Body.cpp GameObject.cpp Menu.cpp Vector3.cpp \
Arena.cpp Button.cpp Keyboard.cpp Mesh.cpp Assets.cpp Character.cpp \
main.cpp Mouse.cpp Barrier.cpp Environment.cpp Manager.cpp TitleMenu.cpp
mygame_LDADD = -Lusr/local/lib -lallegro_acodec \
-lallegro_audio -lallegro_color -lallegro_dialog -lallegro_image \
-lallegro_main -lallegro_memfile -lallegro_physfs -lallegro_primitives \
-lallegro_ttf -lallegro_font -lallegro
CLEANFILES = mygame *.o
I'd like to thank the academy and my parents for seeing me through this trying time. They've meant so much to me! *blows kisses