Search code examples

Rewriting code for affiliate links

Let me preface this by saying that writing .htaccess files drives me completely insane...

I've got a sales website with a bunch of affiliates that should redirect to a shop site and then send the user back to the original sales site.

So what I want to do is have something like:

(the "promo" directory doesn't actually exist).

redirect to:

I mean I suppose I could MAKE an "item" directory with the same contents as "/" but that shouldn't be necessary. The main thing I want to do is have the affiliate code be passed to the shop site.

I tried:

RewriteRule ^item/(.*)$$1

...but that didn't work.(Gave me a 404 saying "promo" wasn't found).


  • Meh... it was easier than I thought:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^item/(.*)$1 [NC,QSA]

    Just needed to make those few adjustments and it worked. So I was actually closer than I thought.

    In case anyone is wondering (.*) turns into the variable $1 in the second half. That should be enough to get you to where you want to go.