When using django-allauth to do an OAuth login via a social provider, sometimes it fails with the error page "Social Network Login Failure". There is no log output containing more information. There is a feature request for this log output (https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth/issues/1120) but it has been open for over a year. In the mean time, how do I get more information to debug this error?
More information is passed to the context used to render the error template but is not used in the default template.
You can get log output by overriding the template and including in your template the following:
{{ auth_error }}
or alternatively:
Code: {{ auth_error.code }}, Error: {{ auth_error.exception }}
To override the template, add a folder to your Django template DIRS. In Django 1.8+, this looks like the following:
DIRS: [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')]
Then, in that folder, make directory socialaccount
and put in it a file called authentication_error.html