I'm using Divi theme for my Wordpress website. On scroll down for some px it adds class "et_fixed_header" to element and changes inline style="margin: -300px".
I see changes in DOM while scrolling the page, emulating iPhone6, I want to catch script which is trigerring on scroll event.
How do I do it in Developes Tools in Chrome.
I'm interested in methodic not particular solution.
Thank you very much for your Answers.
Chrome Version 50.0.2661.75 m
Here is screenshot of my DevTools http://prntscr.com/au8mah
Trying to understand UI.
In chrome dev tools, you can find the Divi Js in Sources/top/web-site-url/wp-content/themes/Divi/js/custom.js
Search in this file for et-fixed-header
and add a breakpoint. Their is sevral occurances of et-fixed-header
. In my setting, the one on line 663 is the right one.
In chrome dev tools, one the left part, you have sources. This is all the content loaded by the web page. That mean, all the JS of your page must be their.
If you have an idea where is supposed to be the JS you are looking for (plugin/theme/file):
) ctrl+f
) to find the keywordIt could be more difficult. Some possibility:
Event Listener Breakpoints
. In it, you could set breakpoint for event. If you know what event start the script or what event the script trigger, it could be use to find what you are looking for. You have a very nice Pretty Print functionnality in Chrome Dev Tools for minified JS.