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Listener to map touch outside of the markers

I am using the google map api with some markers. I also overrode the infoWindow as below to show custom text.

public void setUpMap() {
    final GoogleMap map = mMapView.getMap();
    map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter() {
        private View mHolder;

        public View getInfoWindow(final Marker marker) {
            Log.d("MAP", "Map clicked on marker = " + maker);

this works fine and I change the icon of each marker when clicked making them visually selected. However, I want to "unselect" all markers. The problem is that I don't know how to add a listener that gets triggered from outside of the markers.

In other words, my listener "getInfoWindow" gets trigger only when a marker is touched. I want the opposite. Some sort of listener that tells me that the user touched the map but not the markers.

Can this be done easily? Any pointers are greatly appreciated.



  • Ok, I suppose that's really easy.
    You have OnMarkerClickListener and OnMapClickListener.

    So, in your case just register OnMapClickListener and in onMapClick() you can do what you need.

    One more thing - when you add markers, store them in Arraylist - then at any time you can do whatever is needed - even remove all markers from the map.