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Avoid detection of the ending point navigation

I'm using the SKMaps.frameworks from the Scout developer team (which is pretty awesome !) on an IOS swift development.

I use the GPX functions on a turn by turn experience. What I want is to create a loop route. So the starting waypoint and the ending waypoint from my GPX file are at the same coordinates.

My problem is that in these conditions, the RoutingService stop automatically the navigation at the very beginning of my navigation since both points are the same. Everything works fine if I take away the ending point 100 meters far from the starting point but I don't want to do that !

How could I avoid the routingService to detect the destination Point ?

Thank you very much in advance :) !


  • Okay so, like every time when you ask a question, you find the solution few minutes later ... (and I assure this has been a long time I'm dealing with this issue :p !)

    Here's what I did : in the SKMaps.frameworks, found the SKNavigationDelegate header and comment (or delete) the line :

    //- (void)routingServiceDidReachDestination:(SKRoutingService *)routingService;

    It seems to works now. Hope it could help someone :)