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IDEA IDE - disable inspection for one file

Is there a way to disable inspection for one file opened in the editor? I occasionally open large library file in the editor to inspect its source code, and don't want IDEA to run inspections on this particular file.


  • Use Hector the Inspector guy. You can access it by clicking on "guy in a hat" icon in Status Bar or via Code | Configure Current File Analysis... from the main menu.

    Once there you can move the "Highlighting Level" slider from "Inspections" to "Syntax" .. or even "None" in case of a large or complex file.

    enter image description here


    1. Settings here affect current file only (excludes "Power Save Mode" option)

    2. Depending on a file, you may have multiple sliders (e.g. in .php file you will see separate sliders for HTML and PHP languages: this may change depending on some other settings):

      enter image description here

    P.S. If your file is actually part of the library (PHP or JavaScript; "Library" in terms of IDE, of course) then they by default should not have inspections enabled in them:

    enter image description here

    UPDATE 2021-06-11:

    Hector the Inspector has been removed from the status bar since 2020.2 version or so. You can get it back by installing Hector the Inspector plugin from Settings/Preferences | Plugins