I am using SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed() to change the public interface speed of bare metal servers. I am unable to set any speed higher than 2000 (1G bonded).
Trying to set speed to 10000 results in an exception:
SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_Public): Speed cannot be null and must be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000.
Setting the speed to 20000 results in a different exception:
SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_Public): Speed cannot be null and must be 0 (Disconnect), 1000, or 2000.
Is there a different nomenclature for 10G and 20G?
The SoftLayer API does not permit any speeds higher than 2000 for bare metal systems. I have reported the bug to SoftLayer support.