Search code examples

How can I Ascertain the structure for each person from a self referencing table

I have the following tables:

ClockNo     int
CostCentre  varchar
Department  int


DepartmentCode  int
CostCentreCode  varchar
Parent          int

Departments can have other departments as parents meaning there is infinite hierarchy. All departments belong to a cost centre and so will always have a CostCentreCode. If parent = 0 it is a top level department

Employees must have a CostCentre value but may have a Department of 0 meaning they are not in a department

What I want to try and generate is a query that will give the up to four levels of hierarchy. Like this:


I've managed to get something to display the department structure on it's own, but I can't work out how to link this to the employees without creating duplicate employee rows:

SELECT d1.Description AS lev1, d2.Description as lev2, d3.Description as lev3, d4.Description as lev4
FROM departments AS d1
LEFT JOIN departments AS d2 ON d2.parent = d1.departmentcode
LEFT JOIN departments AS d3 ON d3.parent = d2.departmentcode
LEFT JOIN departments AS d4 ON d4.parent = d3.departmentcode
WHERE d1.parent=0;

SQL To create Structure and some sample data:

CostCentre varchar(20) NOT NULL,
Department integer NOT NULL);

CREATE TABLE Departments(
DepartmentCode integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
CostCentreCode varchar(20) NOT NULL,
Parent integer NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX idx0 ON Employees (ClockNo);
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON Employees (CostCentre, ClockNo);
CREATE INDEX idx2 ON Employees (CostCentre);

CREATE INDEX idx0 ON Departments (DepartmentCode);
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON Departments (CostCentreCode, DepartmentCode);

INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (1, 'AAA', 0);
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (2, 'AAA', 3);
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (3, 'BBB', 0);
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (4, 'BBB', 4);
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (5, 'CCC', 0); 
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (6, 'AAA', 1);
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (7, 'AAA', 5);
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (8, 'AAA', 15);

INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (1, 'AAA', 0);
INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (2, 'AAA', 1);
INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (3, 'AAA', 1);
INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (4, 'BBB', 0);
INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (5, 'AAA', 3);
INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (12, 'AAA', 5);
INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (15, 'AAA', 12);

This gives the following structure (employee clock numbers in square brackets):

  |---AAA                   [1]
  |    \---1                [6]
  |       |---2     
  |       \---3             [2]
  |          \---5          [7]
  |             \---12
  |                \---15   [8]
  |---BBB                   [3]
  |    \---4                [4]
  \---CCC                   [5]

The query should return the following:

ClockNo CostCentre Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4
1       AAA        
2       AAA        1      3
3       BBB
4       BBB        4
5       CCC
6       AAA        1
7       AAA        1      3       5
8       AAA        1      3       5      12  *

* In the case of Employee 8, they are in level5. Ideally I would like to show all their levels down to level4, but I am happy just to show the CostCentre in this case


  • SunnyMagadan's query is good. But depending on number of employees in a department you may wish to try the following one which leaves DB optimizer an opportunity to traverse department hierarchy only once for a department instead of repeating it for every employee in a department.

    SELECT e.ClockNo, e.CostCentre,  Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4
    FROM Employees e
            , d1.CostCentreCode
            , coalesce (d4.departmentcode, d3.departmentcode
                        , d2.departmentcode, d1.departmentcode) AS Level1
            , case when d4.departmentcode is not null then d3.departmentcode        
                   when d3.departmentcode is not null then d2.departmentcode
                   when d2.departmentcode is not null then d1.departmentcode end as Level2
            , case when d4.departmentcode is not null then d2.departmentcode
                   when d3.departmentcode is not null then d1.departmentcode end as Level3
            , case when d4.departmentcode is not null then d1.departmentcode end as Level4
        FROM departments AS d1
        LEFT JOIN departments AS d2 ON d1.parent = d2.departmentcode
        LEFT JOIN departments AS d3 ON d2.parent = d3.departmentcode
        LEFT JOIN departments AS d4 ON d3.parent = d4.departmentcode) d
    ON d.DepartmentCode = e.Department AND d.CostCentreCode = e.CostCentre

    EDIT Regarding level 5+ departments.

    Any fixed step query can not get top 4 levels for them. So change above query just to mark them some way, -1 for example.

    , case when d4.Parent > 0 then NULL else 
        coalesce (d4.departmentcode, d3.departmentcode
                , d2.departmentcode, d1.departmentcode) end AS Level1

    and so on.