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Android Build swipe ListView item from right to left show delete button (overlay on listview item)

I want to create swipe listview, when user swipe right to left on an listview item, user will be show some button options.

It look like below image :

enter image description here

I have been seen some swipe listview library, but it isn't what I need.

Can anyone help me suggest to me the library that can do build my listview?



  • I used to have the same problem as your, I couldn't find a library to swipe to show other buttons so I ended up writing a new library for myself. Check out my library: SwipeRevealLayout

    For your specific layout, the usage is the following:

    Add dependencies:

    compile 'com.chauthai.swipereveallayout:swipe-reveal-layout:1.0.0'

    In your row.xml file:

            <!-- Your delete and edit buttons layout here -->
                <!-- put your buttons here -->
            <!-- Your main layout here -->
                android:layout_height="match_parent" />

    And finally in your adapter (RecyclerView or ListView) class, when you bind your view, use ViewBinderHelper:

    public class Adapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter {
      // This object helps you save/restore the open/close state of each view
      private final ViewBinderHelper viewBinderHelper = new ViewBinderHelper();
      public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
        // get your data object first.
        YourDataObject dataObject = mDataSet.get(position); 
        // Save/restore the open/close state.
        // You need to provide a String id which uniquely defines the data object.
        viewBinderHelper.bind(holder.swipeRevealLayout, dataObject.getId()); 
        // do your regular binding stuff here