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Check numeric constraint expressions for equivalence/subset of allowed values

I have an AST representing expressions like these:

  • (<=10 && >=3) || ==0
  • ==1 || ==2 || ==3
  • ==1 && !=1

There are numerics as well as boolean (||, &&) and numeric (<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >) operators. A boolean not operator can be added to the AST if needed. These expressions are used to constrain possible numeric input values (note that the last one does not allow anything).

I am looking for a way of comparing two expressions. I need to know if they allow the exact same set of numbers (are equivalent), or if one expression permits a subset of the other one.


  • You can write a function

    evaluate :: Expression -> ValueSet

    that evaluates an expression into a set of values where it is true. This value set could be something like

    data Value = MinusInfinity | Finite Integer | PositiveInfinity
    type Range = (Value, Value)
    type ValueSet = [Range]

    where ValueSet is a sorted list of closed, disjoint ranges. Then you can implement the cases of evaluate one by one using logic that resembles a sorted merge.