My window is freezing after clicking "Send" button. It send file and then it should release GUI, but it doesn't. See my code:
private void btn_send_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (SBox.UploadFile("user", "service", 1, path.Text))
MessageBox.Show("Fail, try again");
Then code from Sbox class:
public static bool UploadFile(string user, string service, int orderId, string filepath)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
dbx = new DropboxClient(login_key);
string path = "/Files/" + user + "/" + service + "/order - " + orderId + "/received";
string fileName = now.Year + "" + now.ToString("MM") + "" + now.ToString("dd") + "" + Path.GetExtension(filepath);
Task upl = Upload(dbx, path, fileName, File.ReadAllBytes(filepath)); //send file
return true;
and task code:
static async Task Upload(DropboxClient dbx, string folder, string file, byte[] content)
using (var mem = new MemoryStream(content))
var updated = await dbx.Files.UploadAsync(
folder + "/" + file,
body: mem);
Console.WriteLine("Saved {0}/{1} rev {2}", folder, file, updated.Rev);
as I said, file is send to correct folder but GUI is freezing. Console app works perfectly, writing output when success.
I did play with it a bit and did some research. Here is my final working code Button:
private async void btn_send_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
SBox sbox = new SBox();
progress.Text = "Uploading file, please wait...";
bool t = await sbox.UploadFromGUI("user", "service", 1, path.Text);
progress.Text = "";
if (t == true)
MessageBox.Show("Success!", "Info", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
MessageBox.Show("Failed", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
and method in SBox class:
public async Task<bool> UploadFromGUI(string user, string service, int orderId, string filepath)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
dbx = new DropboxClient(login_key);
string path = "/files/" + user + "/" + service + "/order - " + orderId + "/received";
string fileName = now.Year + "" + now.ToString("MM") + "" + now.ToString("dd") + "" + Path.GetExtension(filepath);
using (var mem = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(filepath)))
var updated = await dbx.Files.UploadAsync(
path + "/" + fileName,
body: mem);
return true;
return false;