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Test that an akka actor receives a set of different types of messages without guaranteeing order


I don't know how to test that an Akka actor receives a set of different types of messages without guaranteeing the order of the messages.


I'm testing out that some domain events are published to an akka.event.EventStream. In order to do so, I've subscribed a TestProbe to all the DomainEvent subclasses:

val eventBusTestSubscriber = TestProbe()(actorSystem)
actorSystem.eventStream.subscribe(eventBusTestSubscriber.ref, classOf[DomainEvent])

This way, I can test out that a single domain event arrives to the EventStream without taking into account other possible events (avoid fragile test):


shouldPublishDomainEvent {
  event: WinterHasArrivedDomainEvent =>
    event.isReal shouldBe true
    event.year shouldBe expectedYear

Helper trait:

def shouldPublishDomainEvent[EventType](eventAsserter: EventType => Unit)
  (implicit gotContext: GotContextTest, classTag: ClassTag[EventType]): Unit = {

  val receivedEvent = gotContext.eventBusTestSubscriber.receiveN(1).head

  receivedEvent match {
    case event: EventType =>

    case _ =>

I also have some test for the scenarios in which I should receive a set of events of the same type guaranteeing the order without taking into account other possible events (avoid fragile test):


val someoneDiedEventAsserter: SomeoneDiedDomainEvent => Unit = { event =>
  event.isReal shouldBe false
  event.episodeId shouldBe episodeId

val someoneDiedEventIdExtractor = (event: SomeoneDiedDomainEvent) => event.characterId

shouldPublishDomainEventsOfType(someoneDiedEventAsserter, someoneDiedEventIdExtractor)(characterIdsToDie)

Helper trait:

def shouldPublishDomainEventsOfType[EventType, EventIdType](
  eventAsserter: EventType => Unit,
  eventIdExtractor: EventType => EventIdType
)(expectedEventIds: Set[EventIdType])
  (implicit gotContext: GotContextTest, classTag: ClassTag[EventType]): Unit = {

  if (expectedEventIds.nonEmpty) {
    val receivedEvent = gotContext.eventBusTestSubscriber.receiveN(1).head

    receivedEvent match {
      case event: EventType =>
        val receivedEventId = eventIdExtractor(event)
        expectedEventIds should contain(receivedEventId)
        shouldPublishDomainEventsOfType(eventAsserter, eventIdExtractor)(expectedEventIds - receivedEventId)

      case _ =>
        shouldPublishDomainEventsOfType(eventAsserter, eventIdExtractor)(expectedEventIds)

The problem now is with the use case in which I have to test that I'm publishing a set of events with different types and without the order guaranteed.

The problem I don't know how to solve is that, in the shouldPublishDomainEventsOfType case, I have an inferred EventType which provides me the type in order to perform the specific assertions related to this very specific type in the eventAsserter: EventType => Unit. But since I have different specific types of events, I don't know how to specify their types and so on.

I've tried an approach based on a case class containing the assertion function, but the issue is the same and I'm a little bit stuck:

case class ExpectedDomainEvent[EventType <: DomainEvent](eventAsserter: EventType => Unit)

def shouldPublishDomainEvents[EventType](
  expectedDomainEvents: Set[ExpectedDomainEvent]
)(implicit chatContext: ChatContextTest): Unit = {

  if (expectedDomainEvents.nonEmpty) {
    val receivedEvent = chatContext.eventBusTestSubscriber.receiveN(1).head

    expectedDomainEvents.foreach { expectedDomainEvent =>

      val wasTheReceivedEventExpected = Try(expectedDomainEvent.eventAsserter(receivedEvent))

      if (wasTheReceivedEventExpected.isSuccess) {
        shouldPublishDomainEvents(expectedDomainEvents - receivedEvent)
      } else {



  • Solved thanks to Artur Soler :)

    Here you have the solution just in case it helps anyone:

    case class ExpectedDomainEventsOfType[EventType <: DomainEvent, EventId](
      eventAsserter: EventType => Unit,
      eventIdExtractor: EventType => EventId,
      expectedEventIds: Set[EventId]
    )(implicit expectedEventTypeClassTag: ClassTag[EventType]) {
      def isOfEventType(event: DomainEvent): Boolean = expectedEventTypeClassTag.runtimeClass.isInstance(event)
      def withReceivedEvent(event: DomainEvent): ExpectedDomainEventsOfType[EventType, EventId] = event match {
        case asExpectedEventType: EventType =>
          val eventId = eventIdExtractor(asExpectedEventType)
          expectedEventIds should contain(eventId)
          copy(expectedEventIds = expectedEventIds - eventId)
    def shouldPublishDomainEvents(
      expectedEvents: Set[ExpectedDomainEventsOfType[_, _]]
    )(implicit gotContext: GotContextTest): Unit = {
      if (expectedEvents.nonEmpty) {
        val receivedEvent = gotContext.eventBusTestSubscriber.receiveN(1).head.asInstanceOf[DomainEvent]
        expectedEvents.find(expectedEventsOfType => expectedEventsOfType.isOfEventType(receivedEvent)) match {
          case Some(expectedEventsOfReceivedType) =>
            val expectedEventsWithoutTheReceived = expectedEventsOfReceivedType.withReceivedEvent(receivedEvent)
            if (expectedEventsWithoutTheReceived.expectedEventIds.isEmpty) {
              shouldPublishDomainEvents(expectedEvents - expectedEventsOfReceivedType)
            } else {
              shouldPublishDomainEvents(expectedEvents - expectedEventsOfReceivedType + expectedEventsWithoutTheReceived)
          case None =>