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Access image in my Android Tests

I am working on an Android app. It has corresponding spec/test application. As part of some of my tests, I need to pick up an image from my assets folder and calculate SHA-1 for it. I can calculate SHA, as long as I can pick the image. Since the tests run on emulator; I am not sure how to pick the image in my test.

Does anyone have any idea, how I can go about it. With and without AssetManager maybe? Any ideas will be helpful.

Cheers -Priyank


  • I do this by extending ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2, then in the setup getting a reference to the activity and finally getting the AssetManager.

        public class Sha1Test
            extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MyActivity> {
            private AssetManager m_assetManager;
            public Sha1Test() {
                super("com.example.test", MyActivity.class);
            public void setUp() throws Exception {
                MyActivity activity = this.getActivity();
                m_assetManager = activity.getAssets();
            public void testSomething() throws Exception {
                InputStream stream ="myimage.png");

    You'll need to run this on the emulator as an Android Unit Test, since it depends on the main activity to load the assets.