I'm working with a triangulated mesh consisting of points 3 x n and triangles specified by the point indices 3 x m. I can easily plot that e.g. using mlab
mesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(p[0,:],p[1,:],p[2,:],t.T
I am also generating a mask masking points which are out of bounds or nan
, so I have a mask the size of n. Now I want to mask the triangles which have a masked point. My solutions so far:
1: Use the mask to turn all masked points into nan
, e.g.
p[mask] = nan
then still shows nan
(I would need to include a threshold filter...) and I actually don't want to mess with my data
2: Generating a triangle mask, which I started like this
def triangleMask(triangles, pointmask):
maskedTris = np.zeros((triangles.shape[1]), dtype=np.bool)
maskedIdx = np.nonzero(pointmask)[0]
for i,t in enumerate(triangles.T):
if (i%5000) == 0:
print('working it.:', i)
for p in t:
if p in maskedIdx:
maskedTris[i] = True
return maskedTris
This works, but is not fast. And in my case, n = 250.000 and m = 500.000, so "not fast" is quite a problem.
I know there's a mask keyword in mlab
, but I cant get it to work. Masking only the points in the triangular_mesh call yields and error since t then refers to indices which are larger than the size of p.
So you have a points
array of shape (3, n)
, a triangles
array of shape (3, m)
and a point_mask
boolean array of shape (n,)
, and would like to create a triangle_mask
of shape (m,)
holding True
at position j
if any of the indices in triangles[:, j]
corresponds to a True
in point_mask
. You can do that with a little bit of fancy indexing:
triangle_mask = np.any(point_mask[triangles], axis=0)
To understand what's going on, point_mask[triangles]
creates a boolean array of shape (3, m)
, with the value at position (i, j)
being point_mask[triangles[i, j]]