I´m working on a code that is supposed to import-csv - change the content, and then export to csv.
I´ve tried to export with Export-Csv - but it only writes the lenght of the string I also tried with StreamWriter - but it only writes $Resultat once
I am new to PowerShell :-)
$workfile = import-csv "X:\powershell\converter\test.csv" -Delimiter ';'
ForEach ($item in $workfile)
$Id = $item.("ID")
$Maaler = $item.("Maaler")
$Fra = $item.("Fra")
$Til = $item.("Til")
#Dato gymnastik
$Tilto = $item.("Til")
$Tilto = $Tilto.substring(0,10)
$Til = $Til.substring($Til.length - 8, 8)
$Forbrug = $item.("Forbrug")
$Enhed = $item.("Enhed")
$aflaesningstype = $item.("Aflæsningstype?")
$T = ".000+02:00"
$Resultat = $Tilto + "T" + $Til + $T + ',"' + $Maaler + '","' + '","' + '","' + '","' + '","' + $Forbrug + '","' + $Enhed + '","' + '255"'
Write-output "$Resultat"
$Resultat | Export-Csv "X:\powershell\behandlet\Output $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy-hh-mm-ss).csv" -Delimiter ',' -NoType
#$fhStream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "X:\powershell\behandlet\Output $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss).csv"
The Write-output shows the output in the right way
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong ?
Try this:
$workfile = import-csv "X:\powershell\converter\test.csv" -Delimiter ';'
$result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
ForEach ($item in $workfile)
$Id = $item.("ID")
$Maaler = $item.("Maaler")
$Fra = $item.("Fra")
$Til = $item.("Til")
#Dato gymnastik
$Tilto = $item.("Til")
$Tilto = $Tilto.substring(0,10)
$Til = $Til.substring($Til.length - 8, 8)
$Forbrug = $item.("Forbrug")
$Enhed = $item.("Enhed")
$aflaesningstype = $item.("Aflæsningstype?")
$T = ".000+02:00"
$result += $Tilto + "T" + $Til + $T + ',"' + $Maaler + '","' + '","' + '","' + '","' + '","' + $Forbrug + '","' + $Enhed + '","' + '255"'
$result | Out-File "X:\powershell\behandlet\Output $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy-hh-mm-ss).csv"