I installed jupyter with conda install jupyter
and am running a notebook with the r kernal installed from conda create -n my-r-env -c r r-essentials
I am running a notebook and want to run a bash command from a shell.
!echo "hi"
Error in parse(text = x, srcfile = src): <text>:1:7: unexpected string constant
1: !echo "hi"
For comparison, in an notebook with a python kernel:
!echo "hi"
Is there a way to set up R notebooks to have the same functionality as the ipython notebook with regards to bash commands (and maybe other magics)?
For just bash commands, it's possible to get system commands to work. For example, in the IRkernel:
system("echo 'hi'", intern=TRUE)
Or to see the first 5 lines of a file:
system("head -5 data/train.csv", intern=TRUE)
As IPython magics are available in the IPython kernel (but not in the IRkernel), I did a quick check if it was possible to access these using the rPython
and PythonInR
libraries. However, the issue is that get_ipython()
isn't visible to the Python code, so none of the following worked:
rPython::python.exec("from IPython import get_ipython; get_ipython().run_cell_magic('writefile', 'test.txt', 'This is a test')")
PythonInR::pyExec("from IPython import get_ipython; get_ipython().run_cell_magic('head -5 data/test.csv')")