I'm trying to dockerize a Stardog 3.1.3 community edition server. The container fails to start because it sees a directory instead of a license file. For the record, I'm on Windows. These are the steps I'm following:
Create a data container
docker create -v /data/stardog:/data/stardog --name stardog_data busybox /bin/true
Copy the local license key to the data container (not done in the Dockerfile that is mentioned below as the license is environment specific)
docker cp .\stardog\stardog-license-key.bin stardog_data:/stardog-license-key.bin
Create an image based on the following Dockerfile
docker build -t me/stardog .
FROM java:openjdk-8-jdk
ENV STARDOG_VER stardog-3.1.3
ENV STARDOG_HOME /data/stardog
RUN unzip ${STARDOG_VER}.zip
CMD rm $STARDOG_HOME/system.lock || true && bin/stardog-admin server start && (tail -f $STARDOG_HOME/stardog.log &) && while (pidof java > /dev/null); do sleep 1; done
Run a Stardog container
docker run -d -p 5820:5820 --volumes-from stardog_data --name stardog me/stardog
When I execute docker ps -a
, I see that the container is stopped after a couple of seconds:
9559b22473e1 me/stardog "/bin/sh -c 'rm $STAR" 26 minutes ago Exited (1) 26 minutes ago stardog
2b929329e35e busybox "/bin/true" 32 minutes ago Created stardog_data
When I check the logs with docker logs stardog
, I'm getting this:
com.clarkparsia.license.InvalidLicenseException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin (Is a directory)
at com.clarkparsia.license.LicenseValidator.validate(LicenseValidator.java:157)
at com.complexible.stardog.StardogLicense.findLicense(StardogLicense.java:127)
at com.complexible.stardog.StardogLicense.<init>(StardogLicense.java:70)
at com.complexible.stardog.Stardog.<init>(Stardog.java:158)
at com.complexible.stardog.Stardog.initialize(Stardog.java:263)
at com.complexible.stardog.Stardog.initialize(Stardog.java:254)
at com.complexible.stardog.Stardog.buildServer(Stardog.java:247)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.impl.ServerStart.call(ServerStart.java:144)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.impl.ServerStart.call(ServerStart.java:47)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.CLIBase.execute(CLIBase.java:54)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.admin.CLI.main(CLI.java:194)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin (Is a directory)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
at com.clarkparsia.license.LicenseValidator.validate(LicenseValidator.java:113)
... 10 more
Your Stardog license is invalid. Please contact [email protected] for information on obtaining a new license.
It seems that the license file is considered to be a directory. What am I doing wrong?
I'm using the following Docker version:
Version: 1.10.3
API version: 1.22
Go version: go1.5.3
Git commit: 20f81dd
Built: Thu Mar 10 21:49:11 2016
OS/Arch: windows/amd64
Version: 1.10.3
API version: 1.22
Go version: go1.5.3
Git commit: 20f81dd
Built: Thu Mar 10 21:49:11 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
This seems to be a Windows related problem. I've tried these exact same steps on a native Ubuntu (14.04) machine and it works as expected. I've filed this as a bug and hopefully this gets fixed soon.