Is it possible to access a library file under a widget/lib folder from an appController?
I tried
All these throw error:
[ERROR] : Script Error Couldn't find module: ./widgets/com.myWidget/lib/myLib for architecture: i386
How do I require com.myWidget/lib/myLib.js
in controllers/myCtrlr.js
Or should all lib code live only under app/lib
You can't access directly widget lib from your app. When you create an instance of your widget with Widget.createWidget(widget_name, [controller_name], [params])
it load the widget.js controller.
I think the best way to access your lib is to add it in app/lib
Because from your widget you can access your lib with require(mylib)
If you really want access your lib from your widget, you can create a function to export it like this :
In widget.js :
$.loadLib = function(){
return require(WPATH(myLib));
In index.js :
var w = Widget.createWidget('com.myWidget');
var myLib = w.loadLib(); //contains myLib located in com.myWidget/lib/