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Code Refactoring of a GORM query

I wrote a code to get some entities from my DB, and the code is quite ugly (duplication of code, etc.) and not very fast for big chunk of entities. The code gets all entities, then sort it (in memory), then take a range of items (for paginating the results).

There it is:

List<T> retrieveData() {
    def filterPastEvents = (params.filterPastEvents) ?: 0
    def entities = retrieveUnsortedData(filterPastEvents).sort {
        entity1, entity2 ->
            entity2.criterion1 <=> entity1.criterion1 ?:
                    entity1.criterion2 <=> entity2.criterion2 ?:
                            entity1.criterion3 <=> entity2.criterion3
    if (params.offset != null && params.max != null) {
        return entities.subList(params.offset, Math.min(,entities.size()))
    } else {
        return entities

private List<Entity> retrieveUnsortedData(filterPastEvents) {

    List<Entity> entityList
    if (params.param1 && params.params2) {
        entityList = Entity.findAll({
            param1 == params.param1
            params2 == params.params2
            endTimeUTC >= filterPastEvents
    if (params.param1 && !params.params2) {
        entityList = Entity.findAll({
            param1 == params.param1
            endTimeUTC >= filterPastEvents
    if (params.params2 && !params.param1) {
        entityList = Entity.findAll({
            params2 == params.params2
            endTimeUTC >= filterPastEvents
    if (entityList == null) {
        entityList = Entity.findAll({
            endTimeUTC >= filterPastEvents
    return entityList

I figured it would be more efficient to do it with criterion and without duplicated code though this code works.
That's what I tried to simplify the code:

List<T> retrieveData() {

    def filterPastEvents = (params.filterPastEvents) ?: 0
    Closure closureOrder = {
        endTimeUTC >= filterPastEvents
        order('criteria1', 'desc')
        order('criteria2', 'asc')
        order('criteria3', 'desc')
    Closure param1Closure = {}
    if (params.param1) {
        param1Closure = {
            param1 == params.param1
    Closure param2Closure = {}
    if (params.param2) {
        param2Closure = {
            param2 == params.param2
    return Entity.findAll(max: params.max, offset: params.offset).list {

My problems are, at this point:
the closure aren't 'run', condition on param1 and param2 is not correct.
and this code

  Closure param1Closure = {}
    if (params.param1) {
        param1Closure = {
            param1 == params.param1

is still duplicated with param2.

How can I compose closures depending on conditions (ie: params.param1?), I tried using Closure c << param1Closure but it doesn't seem to work.


  • Here's an easier way:

    List<T> retrieveData() {
        Entity.findAll(max: params.max, offset: params.offset) {
            if(params.param1) param1 == params.param1
            if(params.param2) param2 == params.param2
            if(params.filterPastEvents) endTimeUTC >= filterPastEvent
            order 'criteria1', 'desc'
            order 'criteria2', 'asc'
            order 'criteria3', 'desc'

    The example above is quite concise, but if you really want to use composition, you can compose where queries. Something like this:

    import grails.gorm.DetachedCriteria
    List<T> retrieveData() {
        DetachedCriteria<Entity> param1Closure = (params.param1 ? { param1 == params.param1 } : { }) as DetachedCriteria<Entity>
        def query = Entity.where(param1Closure)
        query = query.where(param2Closure)
        query = query.where(closureOrder)
        return query.list(max: params.max, offset: params.offset)

    The important key is that if you call where(Closure) with a variable as the closure, then the closure must be cast to a DetachedCriteria. A regular closure won't work.