I am using rails 4.2.4 and I am trying to use simple_form
Right now my view gives the error:
undefined method `simple_form_for' for #<#<Class:0xbbc2748>:0xbbc1460>
Gem list returns a list of gems and it includes simple_form. I installed simple_form by typing gem install simple_form
$gem list
simple_form (3.2.1)
I have also tried and got this:
rails generate simple_form:install --bootstrap
Could not find generator 'simple_form:install'. Maybe you meant 'responders:install', 'rspec:install' or 'devise:install'
Run `rails generate --help` for more options.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
If you just installed it via gem install
you didn't add it to your Rails application. Instead, you need to add it to your Gemfile
, look at the documentation.
gem 'simple_form'
Then run bundle install
and continue with the installation from the Github page.