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Save variables in a matrix in R

Is it possible to store variables in R..

I have to compute 10*324 fitdist's which each output from this function has to be stored inside a matrix with the size above? is that possible in R?

If so then how, i am completely lost?

So i tried creating a simple example

norm_dist <-,ncol=3))
for(i in 1:3)
  for(j in 1:3)
      element = fitdist(data =iris$Petal.Width[1:50*i], distr = "norm")
      norm_dist[i,j] = element
      element = fitdist(data =iris$Petal.Length[1:50*i], distr = "norm")
      norm_dist[i,j] = element
      element = fitdist(data =iris$Sepal.Length[1:50*i], distr = "norm")
      norm_dist[i,j] = element


But i am getting this error

Error in `[<`(`*tmp*`, i, j, value = list(estimate = c(0.867771222640304,  : 
  replacement element 4 is a  matrix with 2 rows, needs 1 

I am not sure i understand what it means...


  • you might want to check out the ?fitdist documentation under "Value" section. It mentions the output from the function which is a list with a few components.

    Which of those value do you want to assign into norm_dist? For example, if you want the log-likelihood, you can use norm_dist[i,j] = element$loglik

    If you want to store the whole object to be stored, you will need a list rather than a data.frame, for e.g.

    norm_dist_res <- list()
    for(i in 1:10)
        for(j in 1:324)
            norm_dist_res[[paste0(i,"-",j)]] <- fitdist(data=g_all_p$data[1:8000*i, j], distr="norm")