Why doesn't dynamically formatting docstrings work? Is there an acceptable workaround for doing this at function definition time?
>>> DEFAULT_BAR = "moe's tavern"
>>> def foo(bar=DEFAULT_BAR):
... """
... hello this is the docstring
... Args:
... bar (str) the bar argument (default: {})
... """.format(DEFAULT_BAR)
>>> foo.__doc__
>>> foo.__doc__ is None
I tried with old-skool style %s formatting and that didn't work either.
Try something like this (props to @user2357112 for the suggestion):
def FORMAT_DOC(f):
"""Decorator to format docstring of a function. Supplies
`defaults` dictionary, positional values, and argname:value
pairs to format - use {defaults[a]} or {a} or {0} to access
the 0th default value, etc.
defaults = f.__defaults__
docs = f.__doc__
if docs and defaults:
nargs = f.__code__.co_argcount
argnames = f.__code__.co_varnames[nargs-len(defaults):nargs]
argdefaults = dict(zip(argnames, defaults))
f.__doc__ = docs.format(defaults=argdefaults, *defaults, **argdefaults)
return f
def f(a):
def f(a,b,c=1,d=2):
By default, c = {} and d = {}
return x+1
def f(a=0, b="foo", c="bar"):
"""Docstring: a={0}, b={defaults[b]}, c={c}"""