When requiring, from which location Firefox gets the requested module?
Is there any relevant source file for the modules?
is a special module defined within the loader. Its source is
'chrome': { Cc: Cc, Ci: Ci, Cu: Cu, Cr: Cr, Cm: Cm,
CC: bind(CC, Components), components: Components,
// `ChromeWorker` has to be inject in loader global scope.
// It is done by bootstrap.js:loadSandbox for the SDK.
ChromeWorker: ChromeWorker
This is copy pasted from here. Cc
is Components.classes
, Ci
is Components.interfaces
, Cu
is Components.utils
, Cr
is Components.results
, Cm
is Components.manager
and CC
is Components.Constructor
which are defined earlier on. You can find documentation for all these on MDN.