#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double resd = 0.000116;
long long resi = 0;
printf("%lld %f %lld %f\n", resd, resd, resi, resi);
return 0;
gives (Linux, gcc, x64)
0 0.000116 0 0.000116 ^^^^^^^^ odd, since the memory for resi is zeroed
Actually, compiled with g++ it gives random results instead of the second 0.
I understand I gave invalid specifiers to printf
and that it triggers unspecified undefined behavior, but I wonder why this specific corruption occurs, since long long
and double
have the same size.
I get the same results as you do on my machine (Mac OS X, so AMD/Linux ABI). The floating point parameters are passed in XMM registers and the integer parameters in integer registers. When printf
grabs them using va_arg
, it pulls from XMM when it sees the %f
format, and from the other registers when it sees %lld
. Here's the disassembly for your program as compiled (-O0
) on my machine:
1 _main:
2 pushq %rbp
3 movq %rsp,%rbp
4 subq $0x20,%rsp
5 movq $0x3f1e68a0d349be90,%rax
6 move %rax,0xf8(%rbp)
7 movq $0x00000000,0xf0(%rbp)
8 movq 0xf0(%rbp),%rdx
9 movq 0xf0(%rbp),%rsi
10 movsd 0xf8(%rbp),%xmm0
11 movq 0xf8(%rbp),%rax
12 movapd %xmm0,%xmm1
13 movq %rax,0xe8(%rbp)
14 movsd 0xe8(%rbp),%xmm0
15 lea 0x0000001d(%rip),%rdi
16 movl $0x00000002,%eax
17 callq 0x100000f22 ; symbol stub for: _printf
18 movl $0x00000000,%eax
19 leave
20 ret
There you can see what's going on - the format string is passed in %rdi
, then your parameters are passed (in order) in: %xmm0
, %xmm1
, %rsi
, and %rdx
. When printf
gets them, it pops them off in a different order (the order specified in your format string). That means it pops them: %rsi
, %xmm0
, %rdx
, %xmm1
, giving the results you see. The 2
in %eax
is to indicate the number of floating point arguments passed.
Here's an optimized version - in this case the shorter code might be easier to understand. The explanation is the same as above, but with a little less boilerplate noise. The floating point value is loaded by the movsd
on line 4.
1 _main:
2 pushq %rbp
3 movq %rsp,%rbp
4 movsd 0x00000038(%rip),%xmm0
5 xorl %edx,%edx
6 xorl %esi,%esi
7 movaps %xmm0,%xmm1
8 leaq 0x00000018(%rip),%rdi
9 movb $0x02,%al
10 callq 0x100000f18 ; symbol stub for: _printf
11 xorl %eax,%eax
12 leave
13 ret