I have to show an imageview in a universal app ans it's size should increase as the screen design in every devices without reducing image quality. The image given to the imageview is a static image. If I use static width and height constraints using size classes it will work. But I don't think it as the correct way. If i use width & height Proportional to the superview, it increases the image height but image clarity reduced in ipads. Any suggestion will be helpfull.
To make Imageviewsize respect to device for universal application , you need to give correct multipler to imageview.
please follow step to get desire output,
Step 1 :- Set Aspect Ratio to your imageview . (you can also set leading and trialing top , bottom etc. and then give aspect ratio.)
Aspect ration required to maintain to set image equal width and Height (Square)
Step 2 :- Set Horizontal center and vertically center imageview . (it will be differ according to your requirement , you can also take this step as step 1 and then set aspect ratio)
Step 3 :- Set Equal height to Superview from imageview.
(Don't panic , you will get warning to update frames or constrain but don't update it)
Step 4 :- Count Accurate Multiplier.
imageviewHeight / superview's height = Accurate Multipliar
Here ,
imageviewheight = 200 , superviewheight=600 so ,
(set multipler to imageview where proposanal height = superview)
Step 5 :- check output to different simulator.
I hope this detail explanation is enought to understand your question.