I have a predicate that may unify its arguments, for example:
foo(X) :- X = 42.
How can I tell if, while proving foo(X)
, unification changed X? For example, I would like to know if writeln(X), foo(X), writeln(X)
would print the same value for X twice, without actually doing the printing.
My actual implementation of foo/1
is actually much more complex, so please don't suggest specific to the simplified version above. In my program, foo(X)
simplifies X
using unification, but foo(X)
may need to be proven several times until all simplifications have been performed. I would like to be able to write a foohelper(X)
predicate that invokes foo(X)
until X
stops being unified.
Maybe you can use the standard term_variables/2
predicate? You can call it with your goal before and after calling the goal and check if the returned lists of variables are different. Something like:
term_variables(foo(X), Vars0),
term_variables(foo(X), Vars),
( Vars0 == Vars ->
; write(not_simplified)