A simple two-player game involves a pile of N matchsticks and two players who have alternating turns. In each turn, a player removes 1, 2 or 3 matchsticks from the pile. The player who removes the last matchstick loses the game.
A) What are the branching factor and depth of the game tree (give a general solution expressed in terms of N)? How large is the search space?
B) How many unique states are there in the game? For large N what could be done to make the search more efficient?
A) I said the branching factor would be 3 but I justified this because the player could only ever remove up to 3 matches, meaning our tree would usually have three children. The second part with regards to the depth, I'm not sure.
B) N x 2 where N is the number of matches remaining. I am not sure how we could make the search more efficient though? Maybe introducing Alpha-beta pruning?
A : For the depth, just imagine what the longest possible game would look like. It is the game that consists of both players only removing 1 match in each turn. Since there are n matches, such a game would take n turns : the tree has depth n.
B :
There are only 2*N states, each of them accessible from 3 states of higher matchstick count. Since the number of matches necessarily goes down as the game goes on, the graph of possible states is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). A dynamic programming method is therefore possible to analyze this game. In the end, you will see that the optimal move only depends on N mod 4
, with N the number of remaining matches.
EDIT : Proof idea for the N mod 4
Every position is either a losing or a winning position. A losing position is a situation where no matter what you play, if your adversary plays optimally, you will lose. Similarly, a winning position is a situation where if you play the right moves, the adversary cannot win. N=1 is a losing position (by definition of the game). Therefore, N=2,3,4 are winning positions because by removing the right amount of matches you put the adversary in a losing position. N=5 is a losing position because no matter what admissible number of matches you remove, you put the adversary in a winning position. N=6,7,8 are winning positions ... you get the idea.
Now it is just about making this proof formal : take as hypothesis that a position N
is a losing position if and only if N mod 4 = 1
. If that is true up to some integer k
, you can prove that it is true for k+1
. It's true up to k = 4
as we showed earlier. By recurrence, it is true for any N