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Reuse a value from NSSlider in variable

I have a little problem but I can't figured out ...

I code a sort a Shutdown countdown and I need to re-use the variable name "x" in the following code :

@IBAction func valueChange(sender: NSSlider) {
    let x = sender.intValue
    valueofSlider.stringValue = "\(x)"


IBOutlet weak var countDown: NSTextField!

var starter = false;

@IBAction func startCountDown(sender: NSButton) {
        starter = true

var trigger = 600 //here I put the value myself but i would like
var trigger = (x * 60) //to get the slider value in seconds


  • First create an Outlet for your slider and then a variable to hold its value. Assign the variable inside valueChanged and now you can use it wherever you want:

    @IBOutlet var slider: UISlider!
    var sliderValue: Float = 0
    @IBAction func valueChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        sliderValue = slider.value