Hi I'm trying to realize a Tornado server with the goal to receive very big binary files (~1GB) into POST body. The following code works for small files, but does not answer if I try to send big files (~100MB).
class ReceiveLogs(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
file1 = self.request.body
output_file = open('./output.zip', 'wb')
self.finish("file is uploaded")
Do you know any solutions?
I don't have a real implementation as an answer but one or two remarks that hopefully point to the right direction.
First of all there is a 100MB Upload limit which can be increased setting the
in the initalization of the Request handler. (taken from this answer)
The Problem is that tornado handles all file uploads in memory (and that HTTP is not a very reliable Protocol for handling large file uploads.) This is quote from a member of the tornadoweb team from 2014 (see github issue here)
... You can adjust this limit with the max_buffer_size argument to the HTTPServer constructor, although I don't think it would be a good idea to set this larger than say 100MB.
Tornado does not currently support very large file uploads. Better support is coming (#1021) and the nginx upload module is a popular workaround in the meantime. However, I would advise against doing 1GB+ uploads in a single HTTP POST in any case, because HTTP alone does not have good support for resuming a partially-completed upload (in addition to the aforementioned error problem). Consider a multi-step upload process like Dropbox's chunked_upload and commit_chunked_upload (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/docs#chunked-upload)
As stated I would recommend to do one of the following: