I have an application having more than 2 TB of data to be stored in cache, the data will be accessed using NodeJS APIs. For a NodeJS app which would be a better choice, Hazelcast or Redis(or RedisLabs)? Considering following criteria?
I understand that in benchmarking Hazelcast is faster due to multithreaded implementation, and its scalable as well. But can we effectively leverage these good features using NodeJS(need Set datastructure)? Lastly, we can have multiple shards in RedisLabs which will be like having multiple threads or processes working on their respective chunk of data, in that case I believe the Hazelcast's edge due to multi-threaded nature would be true for Redis but not for RedisLabs, Any comments in this?
Hazelcast Node.js client in fact does exist and currently provides following features
In terms of comparing Hazelcast and Redis server-side features, you find comprehensive doc here.
Thank you