I am a fresher. Just 2 months of experience in SAP ABAP.
I am asked to get the quotation date for list of contracts. For that I need to get the crm business transaction number from everh table.
Now I need to use this transaction number in the program crm_order_read and get the export parameter et_orderadm_i in which GUID will be available and also the creation date and time(quotation date).
Now I am not able to understand that how to pass the transaction number(object_id) in the program crm_order_read? There is also a function module crm_order_id available, but there is no import parameter which is a transaction number.
Again, how the export parameter et_orderadm_i will contain the quotation date? I am not able to find a way to write the piece of code.
Usually you don't pass IDs to CRM_ORDER_READ, but GUIDs.
If you have anyhow only IDs available, you first might want to change the approach. Or make a select on table CRMD_ORDERADM_H.
Which object has which guid can be seen in SE16 => CRMD_ORDERADM_H => F8.
However you can test the function module CRM_ORDER_READ in the program SE38=>CRM_ORDER_READ also with IDs.
Here's some basic coding that you can use as template.
INCLUDE crm_object_names_con.
lv_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid,
lt_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid_tab,
lt_req_obj TYPE crmt_object_name_tab,
lt_orderadm_i TYPE crmt_orderadm_i_wrkt,
ls_orderadm_i TYPE crmt_orderadm_i_wrk,
lt_orderadm_h TYPE crmt_orderadm_h_wrkt,
ls_orderadm_h TYPE crmt_orderadm_h_wrk.
CLEAR lt_guid.
INSERT lv_guid INTO TABLE lt_guid.
INSERT gc_object_name-orderadm_h INTO TABLE lt_req_obj.
INSERT gc_object_name-orderadm_i INTO TABLE lt_req_obj.
it_header_guid = lt_guid
it_requested_objects = lt_req_obj
et_orderadm_h = lt_orderadm_h.
et_orderadm_i = lt_orderadm_i.
READ TABLE lt_orderadm_i INTO ls_orderadm_i INDEX 1.
LOOP AT lt_orderadm_i INTO ls_orderadm_i .
Double-click on CRM_ORDER_READ to navigate into it and get the exported data-types from there if you need different ones.
In CRM_ORDER_READ click on the where-used-list to see how it is implemented at other locations.
The date can be found in ORDERADM_H-POSTING_DATE.