I declared a mutable class which serves as a replacement for a tuple as key for a dictionary. The reason is serialization. Serialization works just fine. The following problem occurs, I get a "KeyNotFoundException" when using this class, but only if a new instance of this class is used for the look-up. To make this more clear, see the following class definition:
public class STuple<T1, T2> {
public T1 Item1 { get; set; }
public T2 Item2 { get; set; }
public static implicit operator Tuple<T1, T2>(STuple<T1, T2> st)
return Tuple.Create(st.Item1, st.Item2);
public static implicit operator STuple<T1, T2>(Tuple<T1, T2> t)
return new STuple<T1, T2>()
Item1 = t.Item1,
Item2 = t.Item2,
public STuple()
public STuple(T1 t1, T2 t2) : this()
Item1 = t1;
Item2 = t2;
And here is the sample program:
Dictionary<Tuple<string, string>, double> TupleDic = new Dictionary<Tuple<string, string>, double>();
TupleDic.Add(new Tuple<string, string>("Name1", "Name2"), 5);
TupleDic.Add(new Tuple<string, string>("Name3", "Name4"), 10);
Console.WriteLine("dict-Entry 1: {0}", TupleDic[new Tuple<string, string>("Name1", "Name2")]);
Console.WriteLine("dict-Entry 2: {0}", TupleDic[new Tuple<string, string>("Name3", "Name4")]);
Dictionary<STuple<string, string>, double> STupleDic = new Dictionary<STuple<string, string>, double>();
STuple<string, string> STuple1 = new STuple<string, string>("Name1", "Name2");
STuple<string, string> STuple2 = new STuple<string, string>("Name3", "Name4");
STupleDic.Add(STuple1, 5);
STupleDic.Add(STuple2, 10);
//Still working
Console.WriteLine("Sdict-Entry 1: {0}", STupleDic[STuple1]);
Console.WriteLine("Sdict-Entry 2: {0}", STupleDic[STuple2]);
//Not working
STuple<string, string> STuple3 = new STuple<string, string>("Name1", "Name2");
STuple<string, string> STuple4 = new STuple<string, string>("Name3", "Name4");
Console.WriteLine("Sdict-Entry 1: {0}", STupleDic[STuple3]);
Console.WriteLine("Sdict-Entry 2: {0}", STupleDic[STuple4]);
The example using the normal tuple works just fine, but when I use my own class STuple it only works, if I use the exact same keys (same instance) as used for adding. I am a total beginner, is it possible that there is a problem because of some mixup with value-type and reference-type?
Really strange in my opinion, a look-up with foreach still works:
foreach (KeyValuePair<STuple<string, string>, double> s in STupleDic)
Console.WriteLine("Sdict-Entry 1: {0}", s.Value);
CAVEAT: Implementing GetHashCode
on a mutable structure is a recipe for disaster. Hashcodes have only one purpose, and that is to facilitate storage in hash-tables. Items used as keys in hash-tables should not mutate (any properties used to calculate the hash) as changing the hashcode causes irrecoverable corruption to the hash-table.
In order for items to work in hash-table like collections, they must implement equality and hashcode members. As such, you could (with thanks to Resharper):
public class STuple<T1, T2>
public STuple()
public STuple(T1 t1, T2 t2)
: this()
Item1 = t1;
Item2 = t2;
public T1 Item1 { get; set; }
public T2 Item2 { get; set; }
protected bool Equals(STuple<T1, T2> other)
return EqualityComparer<T1>.Default.Equals(Item1, other.Item1) &&
EqualityComparer<T2>.Default.Equals(Item2, other.Item2);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) return false;
return Equals((STuple<T1, T2>) obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (EqualityComparer<T1>.Default.GetHashCode(Item1)*397) ^
public static bool operator ==(STuple<T1, T2> left, STuple<T1, T2> right)
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(STuple<T1, T2> left, STuple<T1, T2> right)
return !Equals(left, right);
public static implicit operator Tuple<T1, T2>(STuple<T1, T2> st)
return Tuple.Create(st.Item1, st.Item2);
public static implicit operator STuple<T1, T2>(Tuple<T1, T2> t)
return new STuple<T1, T2>
Item1 = t.Item1,
Item2 = t.Item2