I have many functions in Python of the type:
def foobar(one, two):
My function.
:param int one: My one argument.
:param int two: My two argument.
:rtype: Something nice.
return 100 + one + two
And I need to parse the docstring to have a dictionary something like:
'sdesc' : 'My function.',
'params' : [('one', 'My one argument.'), ('two', 'My two argument.')],
'rtype' : 'Something nice.'
I can use sphinx.util.docstrings.prepare_docstring
as follows:
>>> prepare_docstring(foobar.__doc__)
['My function.', ':param int one: My one argument.', ':param int two: My two argument.', ':rtype: Something nice.', '']
I could create my own parser, maybe using regex for params and rtype, and stuff.
But is there a better way to do it or a better approach? How sphinx.ext.autodoc
does it? Any other advice on how to parse this kind of docstrings?
openstack/rally's parse_docstrings()
take a function's docstring in reStructuredText (reST) format as an input and returns 4 values-short_description, long_description, params and returns
For e.g. if the function and its docstring is
def sample(self, task, deployment=None):
"""Start benchmark task.
Implement sample function's long description.
:param task: Path to the input task file.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
:returns: NIL
Then parse_docstrings() function will return-
{ "short_description" : "Start benchmark task.",
"long_description" : "Implement sample function's long description.",
"params": [ { "name" : "task", "doc": "Path to the unput task file" },
{ "name" : "deployment", "doc" : "UUID or name of the deployment" } ]
"returns" : "NIL"
You can modify the above function as per your needs.