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Drupal 6 editing the submit function on a content type

I have a content type and I wish to edit the submit function. I thought the way you would do this would be as follows:

function moduleName_contentType_node_form_submit($form, &$form_state){

I cleared the cached but the message is not being displayed on the screen. Am I doing this correctly or do I need to use form_alter? If so how would I do that?


  • In this case too you can use form alter, and add

    $form['#submit'][] = 'your_sumbmit_callback';

    or if you want to completely change the submit and do your own thing:

    $form['#submit'] = array('your_submit_callback');

    And obviously the callback function needs to be defined;

    function your_submit_callback( $form, &$form_state) {