I am writing a simple twitter login and trying to get request Token in order to redirect user to access token but i always end up with couldn't authenticate you
i tried to add signature as last header it did not work too.
when i remove some header i get bad authentication data error so with this configuration i assume everything is proper i just can not figure what i am doing wrong and twitter refuses to send the request token back.
here is my code
'use strict';
const https = require("https");
const cfg = require('./config');
// const cfg=require(`${__dirname}/config`);
const qs = require("querystring");
const esc = qs.escape;
const crypto = require('crypto');
const HMAC = crypto.createHmac;
class twitter {
constructor(o) {
// if (!o || !o.consumer_key || !o.consumer_secret) throw new Error("Missing Paramaters");
this.id = o.consumer_key;
this.secret = o.consumer_secret;
getNonce() {
let num = 32;
let preDefined = Date.now().toString().split("");
num -= preDefined.length;
while (num--) {
preDefined.push(Math.round(Math.random() * 31).toString(32));
return (new Buffer(preDefined.join("")).toString("base64"));
getSignature(HTTPmethod, url, parameters, tokenSecret) {
const method = HTTPmethod.toUpperCase();
const baseUrl = url;
const params = parameters;
const sorted = Object.keys(params).sort();
let baseString = `${esc(method)}&${esc(baseUrl)}`;
let signingKey = `${esc(this.secret)}&`
signingKey += tokenSecret ? esc(tokenSecret) : "";
let firstRun = true;
sorted.forEach(param => {
if (firstRun) {
baseString += "&";
firstRun = false;
else {
baseString += esc("&");
baseString += esc(`${param}=${params[param]}`);
return HMAC('SHA1', signingKey).update(baseString).digest('base64');
// return baseString;
getHeaders(httpMethod, baseUrl, additional, token, tokenSecret, extraHeaders) {
let headers = {
oauth_consumer_key: this.id,
oauth_nonce: this.getNonce(),
oauth_signature_method: "HMAC-SHA1",
oauth_timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
oauth_version: "1.0"
if (extraHeaders) {
for (let i in extraHeaders) {
headers[i] = extraHeaders[i];
if (token) headers.oauth_token = token;
let params = headers;
if (additional) {
for (let i in additional) {
params[i] = additional[i];
// const signature = this.getSignature(httpMethod, baseUrl, params, tokenSecret || "");
headers.oauth_signature = this.getSignature(httpMethod, baseUrl, params, tokenSecret || "");
let header = `OAuth `;
let firstRun = true;
const sorted = Object.keys(headers).sort();
sorted.forEach(i => {
let prefix;
if (firstRun) {
prefix = "";
firstRun = false;
else {
prefix = ", ";
header += `${prefix}${esc(i)}="${esc(headers[i])}"`
// header += `, oauth_signature="${esc(signature)}"`;
return header;
getRequestToken(cb) {
if (!cb) throw new Error('callback must be defined');
const callbackUrl = cb;
let headers = this.getHeaders("POST", "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token", false, false, false, {
oauth_callback: callbackUrl
const reqParams = {
method: "POST",
host: "api.twitter.com",
path: "/oauth/request_token",
headers: { "Authorization": headers }
const req = https.request(reqParams, res => {
let data = "";
res.on("data", d => data += d);
res.on("end", _ => console.log(data));
}); req.end();
(new twitter({
consumer_key: cfg.id,
consumer_secret: cfg.secret
the key was double escaping the basestring parameters