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Function to get a match for attributes in a list

I am trying to create a function to reduce what will be a lot of repeated code assigning to variables.

Currently if I do this it works

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import pandas as pd

d = pq(filename='20160319RHIL0_edit.xml')

# from nominations
res = d('nomination')
nomID = [res.eq(i).attr('id') for i in range(len(res))]
horseName = [res.eq(i).attr('horse') for i in range(len(res))]

zipped = list(zip(nomID, horseName))

frames = pd.DataFrame(zipped)

Producing this output.

In [9]:          0                  1
0   171115            Vergara
1   187674      Heavens Above
2   184732         Sweet Fire
3   181928            Alegria
4   158914            Piamimi
5   171408          Blendwell
6   166836     Adorabeel (NZ)
7   172933           Mary Lou
8   182533      Skyline Blush
9   171801         All Cerise
10  181079  Gust of Wind (NZ)

However to keep adding to this I would need to create more variables like this one(below). Where the only changing part is the variable name and the attribute in this case attr('horse')

horseName = [res.eq(i).attr('horse') for i in range(len(res))]

So it would be logical then to DRY and create a function which takes an argument which is a list of attributes

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import pandas as pd

d = pq(filename='20160319RHIL0_edit.xml')

# from nominations
res = d('nomination')

aList = []

def inputs(args):
    '''function to get elements matching criteria'''
    optsList = ['id', 'horse']
    for item in res:
        for attrs in optsList:
            if res.attr(attrs) in item:
                aList.append([res.eq(i).attr(attrs) for i in range(len(res))])

zipped = list(zip(aList))

frames = pd.DataFrame(zipped)


  • attrs = ('id', 'horse', ...)
    data = [[res.eq(i).attr(x) for x in attrs] for i in range(len(res))]