I am trying to enable touch on pieces of a sliding tile puzzle so they can each move around the screen.
I want to assign the user's first tap on the screen to myTouch
, then perform some action.
In older code, [[touches allObjects] objectAtIndex:0]
is what I needed, but not sure how to make this line of code work in Swift.
var tapCen = CGPoint(); var left = CGPoint(); var right = CGPoint(); var top = CGPoint(); var bottom = CGPoint(); override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { let allTouches = event?.allTouches() let myTouch = allTouches?.first if myTouch!.view != self.view { tapCen = myTouch!.view!.center } }
You can try this
let allTouches = event.allTouches()
let myTouch = allTouches?.first
Swift 3.0
let allTouches = event?.allTouches
let myTouch = allTouches?.first