I have a midterm exam next week and am having difficulty drawing out a binary heap. The invariant for a minimum binary heap is: the value of the item stored at a parent node is always less than (greater than) the values of the items stored at its child nodes. The part that I don't understand is when I am inserting values into the heap, how do I know whether to go left or right? I'd really like to see step by step solutions, because I just don't understand how I would know whether to go left or right.
Say I have the values: 5, 8, 13, 15, 1, 2, 12, 4 it would start like
5 then I insert 8
/ \
8? 13? is this going in the right direction?
I know for binary search trees the invariant is left< parent < right, but I am just really confused on how to determine whether to go left or right.
You choose the direction to ensure the underlying tree is a complete binary tree:
A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible
Let's apply the trickle-up method to an example. Suppose you want to add a new element e
to a heap. If the heap looks like this:
5 5
/ \ / \
6 9 add as right-child--> 6 9 then trickle-up
/ \ / \ to complete the / \ / \
7 tree 7 e
Then you add the new element as the right-child of the 6
and trickle-up (i.e. repeatedly swap the new element with its parent until the heap invariant is restored).
On the other hand, if the heap looks like this:
5 5
/ \ / \
6 9 add as left-child --> 6 9 then trickle-up
/ \ / \ to complete the / \ / \
7 10 tree 7 10 e
Then you add the newest element as the left-child of the 9
and trickle up.
As for your example, the add sequence is 5, 8, 13, 15, 1, 2, 12, 4. The following code snippet shows the insert/trickle-up step-by-step:
Add 5:
No change due to trickle, So add 8:
No change due to trickle-up. So, add 13:
/ \
8 13
No change due to trickle-up. So, add 15:
/ \
8 13
No change due to trickle-up. So, add 1:
/ \
8 13
/ \
15 1
Then trickle-up:
/ \
5 13
/ \
15 8
Next, add 2:
/ \
5 13
/ \ /
15 8 2
Then trickle-up
/ \
5 2
/ \ /
15 8 13
Next, add 12:
/ \
5 2
/ \ / \
15 8 13 12
No change due to trickle-up. So, add 4:
/ \
5 2
/ \ / \
15 8 13 12
Then trickle-up:
/ \
4 2
/ \ / \
5 8 13 12