I have created a minidump using win32 api [DllImport("DbgHelp.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool MiniDumpWriteDump(
dmp file is successfully created.
i am trying to open this *.dmp file in another visual studio instance to locate the place of the crash,
in visual studio --> FILE--> open project the dmp file option is not available.
i had choose all files in file open menu, and opened the dmp file. but i can't debug,
any idea why my dump file option in visual studio is disabled.
i know i can use windbg, and other tools, it will be easy for me to use visual studio as it is available for me.
I'm not 100% sure. But, I think even if you get it open in VisualStudio, VS doesn't support half the commands that WinDbg does for analysing a dmp. So, I'd just stick to WinDbg. WinDbg is a free download... so that's available to you too. It's not the easiest to use, I always have to open the help to find the commands I want, but it does do a good job.
Download here for 32bit: